Apple TV Plus™ Free Movie Snowpiercer

Snowpiercer Apple TV Plus™



Casts - Chris Evans; genre - Sci-Fi; movie Info - Set in 2031, the entire world is frozen except for those aboard the Snowpiercer. For seventeen years, the world"s survivors are on a train hurtling around the globe creating their own economy and class system. Led by Curtis (Chris Evans), a group of lower-class citizens living in squalor at the back of the train are determined to get to the front of the train and spread the wealth around. Each section of the train holds new surprises for the group who have to battle their way through. A revolution is underway; 281712 vote; duration - 2 H, 6min; Bong Joon Ho





The train isnt exactly an allegory for the earth. Because its artificial, the train is an allegory for the man made illusory world within class systems and oppressed nations. The film is a commentary on oppression and freedom.

When the kid was running with the torch, bring him down Legolas. I hope you can watch his film, Memories of Murder. I truly loved that one.


It"s been almost 6 years since the movie came out, this series is entirely unnecessary. This scene is so inspiring. Great movie from Bong Joon Ho. Just like this movie The recruit that"s about the CIA not the secret service.

Absolutely! I thought, this is like movies I"ve seen with kings and soldiers, how easily they will kill and use everyone else but only the lowest people on the ladder seem to realise and see it. Did they really have to use a trailer music that was used in Elysium trailer I mean its totally different style of movie. YES, I know it"s an allegory! YES, I know it"s social commentary! But I also know that just an idea behind something doesn"t make it good! It doesn"t make up for the plotholes and the lousy acting and the terrible CGI and the unbearable inconsistencies and the fact that the writers didn"t even try to make their job worth our time. Bad setup, worse execution, worst wasted hours of my life.
Hollywood, have you no more selfrespect anymore? One of these days you"re going to shoot in your own foot and that wound is going to fester. If you don"t find new formula"s, people are going to turn against you...

Konami version, please. I"ve been looking for this music anyone know where I can get it. I like Colin Firth. He"s such a good actor. I might have to check this out just to see Darcy kick butt, lol. kidding.

A mind blowing movie pure owesome


Man, I absolutely loved this movie the first time I saw it. And the second time. And the third. This analysis not only confirmed a lot about what I already believed Snowpiercer to be about, but it also gave me some extra insight that I hadn"t even considered. Great job, Nerdwriter1.
I"ll watch Red.
I can see the resemblance with Plato"s cave allegory. Thank you.